by Herb DeMars
General information
Dedicated phone number to book appointments: (506) 8705-3260 or +1 (954) 278 1650
Email to book appointments:
WhatsApp or Telegram consults about the process: (506) 8705-3260
Appointment is required for the test.
The test is required for each traveler including kids.
Prior your test a form needs to be completed.
Travelers need to take the test 72 hours before the flight.
Results will be received by the patient in less than 48 hours after the test by email.
Our administrative staff is very efficient and has included agreements with 3 laboratories to guarantee that all your travelers will get the results on time for their flights.
Check our facility: Virtual Tour!
Web site:
Our Medical Group:
Cost (Patients can pay with credit card or cash)
At the facility:
1 to 10 patients:$160
Groups of 10 to 20: $140
Groups higher than 20: Contact us for pricing at (506) 8308-9986 or (506) 8334-2754
Groups of 2 to 20:$200
House/Hotel visit:
1 to 2 patients:$220
Emergency fast RT-PCR Covid test (Results in 24 hours)
Approximate cost $460
Required information for each patient taking the test:
Last Name:
Date of birth:
Birth Gender:
Passport number:
Arrival date (to Costa Rica):
Departure date and time:
Where are you traveling back to?:
Pregnant? Yes/No
Our team: As professionals in the healthcare industry, we have a great responsibility and that’s way we have always pursued the highest quality standards and cutting-edge medical equipment. This is one of our main goals, to provide the best healthcare to our patients.